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2006 |
Registration CASLPO (licence of Ontario)
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2006 |
Registration CASLPO (licence of Ontario)
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2006 |
CASLPA Certification Examination
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2005-2006 |
Swallowing Disorders, Augmentative and Alternative Communication Aural Rehabilitation, Applied Audiology University of Toronto, Graduate Department of Speech-Language Pathology, Canada
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1997-1999 |
Diploma in Practical Psychology
Moscow Institute for continuing education,
Practical Psychology Faculty, Moscow, Russia
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1992-1997 |
Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology
Moscow State Teachers Training University, Defectology Faculty,
Moscow, Russia
Professional Education Conferences, Courses, Seminars, and Workshops (Canada)
2021 |
“A Crash Course in Litracy-Based Therapy for Teletherapists” by “brIQht ideas”
“Applying the code of Ethics in Speech-Language Pathology” by “brIQht ideas”
“Early Intervention In Telepractice” NSS
“Feel More Confident Understanding and Implementing the Minimal Pairs Approach” by “brIQht ideas”
“Online Video Games as Valid Too for the Treatment of Stuttering” by “brIQht ideas”
“Speech Dude Tells All: Engaging Activities for Older Students of All Abilities” by “brIQht ideas”
“Telepractice And Augmentative And Alternative Communications (AAC)” by NSS
“Use Your CCCs: Cultural Responsiveness, Connection, and Compassion” by “brIQht ideas”
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2020 |
“Standards for Virtual Care by CASLPO Audiologist and SLPs” by CASLPO
“Stuttering: Current concepts And Guidance For Intervention” by NSS
“Stuttering: Treat The Entire Disorder” by NSS
“Evaluation And Treatment In Telepractice: Part 1” by NSS
“Teletherapy Bootcamp” by SpeechTherapyPD.com
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2019 |
“Management of Speech Sound Disorders in Children with Autism” at The Speech and Stuttering Institute”
“Autism Interesting Group” by OSLA
“Autism Symposium” by OSLA
“E-Forum on Discipline Cases You Should Know” by CASLPO
“Speech Intervention for Children Under 3” at The Speech and Stuttering Institute”
“Speech-Language Pathology Services in the Schools” by OSLA
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2018 |
“Different Apps for Different Chaps: New Technologies in SLP Intervention” at Baycrest Health Sciences, Toronto, On
“Stuttering: A Day with Barry Guitar” (by Montreal Fluency Center) |
2017 |
“2017 Autism Conference – Collaboration Across the Spectrum and Across the Age Span” by OSLA (Toronto, ON)
“Neuro Developmental Treatment For Speech-Language Pathologists” by MMarybeth Trapani-Hanasewych, MS, CCC-SLP (NSS)
“Starting and Growing a Thriving SLP Private Practice” by OSLA (Toronto, ON)
“Stuttering and Its Treatment” by Mark Onslow |
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2016 |
“Prevention of Feeding, Speech, and Mouth Development Problems: Birth to Age 2” by Diane Bahr, MS, CCC-SLP, CIMI (NSS)
“The Voice Therapy Conference” by OSLA (Toronto, ON) |
2015 |
“Approaches to Voice Therapy” by Linda Rammage, PhD, RSLP, S-LP(C)
“Considerations in Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech” by Brooke Rea, MCISc, SLP) at Peel District School Board
“Infant-Toddler at Risk for Autism”
“Interventions For Word Retrieval” by Diane German, PhD (NSS)
“Natural Language Acquisition in Autism: Echolalia to Self-Generated Language” by Marge Blanc, MA, CCC-SLP (NSS)
“Progressive and Systematic Speech and Language Training for Children on the Autism Spectrum” by Tamara Kasper, CCC-SLP, BCBA (NSS) |
"Treatment of the Young School-Aged Child Who Stutters" at The Speech and Stuttering Institute, Toronto |
"Fluency Plus" at The Speech and Stuttering Institute: A Comprehensive Program for School
Age Children Who Stutter" |
2013 |
"The ABCs of AAC for children with ASD" by CASLPA
"Accessible Customer Service Training for CCACs" by CCAC
"Four Points Behaviour Intervention Strategies " : Assessment and Treatment of Stereotypical
and Noncompliant Behaviour |
2012 |
"OSLA Fluency Conference", Toronto
"Toronto Voice Course" at Mount Sinai Hospital and St.Michael's Hospital |
2011 |
"Advanced Perspectives on Communication ABI and Evidence-Based Practice" by OSLA |
2010 |
"Compton P-ESL Accent Modification" by ILP
"Practical Tips and Techniques For Successful Artic Remediation" by C.A. Boshart |
2008 |
"Establishing Comprehensive Treatment Programs for Children Who Stutter" by R.Kroll
"Sound for Speech Sounds: Teach Speech Through Listening to Language: Auditory-Verbal
Therapy and Practice" by "We Listen International Inc".
"Current Trends in Pediatric Dysphagia" by The Windsor-Essex Couny Pediatric Feeding and
Dysphagia Group
"Professional Education Program (PEP-I): Auditory-Verbal Therapy and Practice" at "We Listen
International Inc. |
2007 |
"Developing a Roreign Accent Reduction Programm" by NSS., Inc
"Children With Apraxia of Speech: The Kaufman Early Intervention Program" |
2006 |
"Stroke and Cognition: What's Hot" by Baycrest, Toronto
" Language in Dementia: The Art and Science of Speech-Language Pathology Intervetnion" by
Beycrest Toronto
"Best Practice and Conduct in Videofluroscopic Evaluation of Swallowing" at Toronto Rehab
"Learning Disabilities and Assistive Technology" at LDA Toronto District and Learn
"Language Acquisition and Bilingualism" at York University
"The Man Who Couldn't Read What He Wrote" By Baycrest, Toronto |
2005 |
"Orofacial Myology/Tongue Thrust" by NSS., Inc
"Post-Laryngectomy Voice Restoration with Trachea-Esophageal Puncture and Prosthesis by
International Centre for Post-Laryngectomy Voice Restoration
"Introduction to Autism" at Geneva Centre for Autism
"The role of IEP/IPRC – Getting the education your child needs" by ADDAPT
"Dealing with Your Child ADHD Behavior – Practical Tips" by ADDAPT
"Interactive case discussion: Aphasia or not aphasia?" by Aphasia Interest Group, Baycrest
"Intensity of aphasia therapy: What do we know?" by Aphasia Interest Group, Baycrest
"Listen closely!!! What Does The Speech Tell You?: Assessment, classification and treatment \
of dysarthria" by Aphasia Interest Group, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care
"ACC and Aphasia: ACC as one tool of many" by Aphasia Interest Group, Baycrest |
2006 |
Лицензия логопеда Онтарио |
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2006 |
Сертфикат Ассоциации Логопедов Онтарио |
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2005-2006 |
Университет Торонто, отделение логопедии медицинского факультета |
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1997-1999 |
Диплом "Практический Психолог" (Россия, Москва, институт повышения квалификации работников образования)
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1992-1997 |
Диплом "Логопед, Учитель русского и литературы" (Россия, Москва, Государственный Педагогический Университет) |
1. COTA Health/ VHA Rehab Solutions, Toronto, Canada (2006 - )
Position: Speech-Language Pathologist
Work Description: Speech-Language Pathology Service Provider for York Region Public and Catholic Schools: articulation, voice, fluency and swallowing disorders.
2. Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Toronto, Canada (2005)
Position: Assisstent at Speech-Language Pathology Department
Work description: assistant to a Speech-Language Pathologist. Worked with in-patients with aphasia, Parkinson’s Disease, apraxia of speech, swallowing problems.
3. Russian Saturday School “Filipok”, Etobicoke, Canada (2004 - 2006)
Position: Math and Russian Language Teacher
Work description: work with groups of children age 3 to 12.
4. Kindergarten Moscow, Russia (1995 –2004)
Position: Speech-Language Pathologist in gropes of children with Articulatory and Phonological Disorders, Specific Language Impairment, and developmental delay.
Work description: diagnostic of children’s mental, speech and language problems and abilities, developing individual treatment programs for each child; correction of articulation, syllable structure of words, voices defects and language problems
5. Center of Speech Pathology and Neurological Rehabilitation, Moscow, Russia (2002 –2004)
Position: Speech-Language Pathologist
Work description: maintenance of fluency groups for adult patients with Fluency Disorders, assessment and rehabilitation of aphasic and dysarthric clients in in-patient setting.
Опыт работы:
1. COTA Health/ VHA Rehab Solutions (Торонто, Канада, 2006 - ...)
-Логопед в школах: нарушения звукопроизношения, голоса, темпа и ритма речи (заикание), функций глотания
2. Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care (Торонто, Канада, 2005)
- Ассистент в отделение логопедии: работа с пациентами с афазией, болезнью Паркинсона, апраксией, нарушениями функций глотания
3. Русская субботняя школа "Филипок" (Этобико, Канада, 2004-2006)
- Учитель русского языка и математики
4. ДОУ детское образовательное учреждение (Москва, Россия, 1995-2004)
- Логопед: диагностика интелектуального, психологического, речевого и языкового развития у детей с артикуляционными, фонологическими и языковыми нарушениями
5. Центр Патологии Речи и нейрореабилитации (Россия, Москва, 2002-2004)
- Логопед: работа со взрослыми заикающимися в группах поддерживающей терапии